Lady Tattoo

The Less you know about someone, the more interesting they are. Your imagination can go wild with who you think they are. Every once in a while I cross paths with someone with brief interactions. They seem interesting and so I write a song about them or at least who I think they are. You never know there might be a song out there about you!

~ C Diamond

A New Poet In Town

Heart breaks and dream lakes cast sparkling colors on the horizon. Eyes fixed on the wild moon. forget not the reason you came here.

To live, to breath, to set out into the unknown. guts and guidance tattoo my heart.

the wind. the sky. i’ve felt this before. a love, a dream, an adventure!

Ah yes. the colors. the sparkling colors. i see them now!

~ C Diamond

Emily’s Spells, Diamonds, and Seas

There is a girl that lives in Hawaii and she is probably my soul mate. We’d be together now if she weren’t there and I wasn’t here. But, she grew up in Massachusetts and so every time she comes home we hangout. Last time she called in the evening and said how fast can you be in boston? I said 1.5 hrs and left immediately. we went to an amazing show for a band she likes. i had to work the next day so i dropped her off with her friends. she blew me a kiss goodbye in the rain and that was the last i saw of her since then. i wrote this song for her.

~ C Diamond

Electric Lady Dreams

At one point in my life I needed a drastic change. Ever the dreamer… I quit my job, bought a motorcycle, and drove across the country for 3 months. I brought a tent and camped out or stayed with people i met. I would just wake up pick a direction and go. alligators, ghosts, mountain lions, knife fights, and starry nights. i fell in love twice. i spent nights sleeping outside under the moon and let life’s whirling winds form my paths to adventure

~ C Diamond

I’m Doing Alright

From One Place To The Next

I wrote this album in the fall of 2021 when I was playing shows across New England. I would just hop in my truck with my dog and bring a sleeping bag so I could sleep in the pick-up bed under the stars. I’ve always felt closest to my dreams at night. I followed the wind from town to town. Playing farms and barns, rivers and trees, ice cream shops and graveyards. Any space I could fit really with my guitar and harmonica. All the people I met, places I visited, and adventures I had become part of the songs. A one man show of underdog grit. These months i spent on the road chasing the mystical undercurrents of life brought color to my soul and fed the starving vagabond.

~ C Diamond